The Secure Times

An online forum of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law's Privacy and Information Security Committee

Software company that provided leads to marketer that sent unsolicited faxes referencing company’s product not liable as “Sender” under TCPA

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A software company that gave advertising leads to a training company that sent unsolicited faxes advertising its own services and the software company’s product is not liable as a “sender” under the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act (TCPA) because there was no evidence that the faxes were sent on the behalf of the software company. Hughes v. FrontRange Solutions USA, Inc., No. D049869, 2007 Cal. Unpub. LEXIS 8344 (Cal. Ct. App. Oct. 16, 2007) (unpublished). The court granted the software company’s summary judgment motion, ruling that the evidence was insufficient to prove that the unsolicited faxes sent to the plaintiff by the training company were sent on behalf of the software company. The court found that even if the evidence showed that the software company offered leads to the training company and was aware that some of the leads resulted in faxed solicitations for the training company’s services, such facts do not establish that the faxes were sent on behalf of the software company.


Author: ABA Antitrust

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